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The slides from my EduTECH presentation on this subject are available on slideshare
The full video of this presentation will be available again soon.
In 2014 the Group of Eight Universities chair lamented a “technology tsunami sweeping across our campuses” (Young 2014) suggesting technology is changing at a much faster rate than universities can presently absorb. Since then we have increasingly needed management approaches suitable for dealing with rapid change. The benefits of technology enhanced learning (TEL) have already been established (JISC, 2008; US Department of Education, 2010), and studies show that neglecting broad technology adoption in favour of individual innovation, risks significant productivity losses by as much as 45% (Comin, 2012). The need for broad change requiring effective communication, support and change management is now arguably a larger challenge for universities than the need for more innovation or pedagogical advances (Diego and Mestieri, 2010; Ertmer, 2005).